The Temporary Employment Agency in France

For workers, temporary jobs are a way to gain work experience and develop an extensive professional network. They can also serve as a stepping stone to permanent employment, particularly in sectors such as information and communication technologies.Source

Parisian companies use temporary recruitment to adapt their staff numbers according to economic activity variations or the needs of specific projects. In addition, it allows them to evaluate workers’ skills and performance before offering them a long-term contract.

The Temporary employment agency industry accounts for 0.5% of the total workforce in France. It is dominated by small and medium size recruiters with a limited number of larger players in specific markets.

Tout Savoir sur les Agences d’Intérim en France : Solutions de Recrutement Temporaire

Companies wishing to recruit temporary employees must submit a declaration (declaration prealable à l’embauche – DPAE) to the autorité nationale de contrôle des procédures sociales. This document includes the identity of the candidate, their address and date of birth, a photocopy of their ID and documents proving that they are registered with the Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie. In addition, the DPAE must request proof that the candidate has health insurance coverage.

The ANPE is responsible for conducting monthly statistics on job creation, and it delivers reports to local employment area offices (Pole Emploi). This information is used by public and private partners to promote the economic integration of people in difficulty and to identify possible pathways towards durable employment. In addition, each Pole Emploi coordinates a technical committee at the local level that brings together local stakeholders to support job seekers and their employers.