The Benefits of Livestock Fencing

Fencing helps to make grazing more efficient, defines property lines, reduces livestock theft and deters landowners from legal disputes over trespassing. It also provides protection from predators and other natural threats that can cause serious injury or death to animals.

Whether your livestock fencing is next door to an active construction site, highway or strip mall, your livestock are more safe and comfortable inside secure fences. They are more likely to stay occupied with their forage and less prone to wandering away from your farm, where they are vulnerable to predation, accidents and damage to adjacent land.

“Ensuring Safety and Security: Livestock Fencing Solutions

There are several types of livestock fencing, including woven wire, barbed wire and high-tensile smooth wire. Woven-wire fences consist of strands of horizontal wires held apart by vertical wires, with the spacing increasing as the height of the fence increases. Smooth wire fences, sometimes referred to as high-tensile fences, use more wire per meter than other types of fencing and can be used with either electric or nonelectric components. High-tensile smooth wire is able to withstand up to 1,100 pounds of pressure before losing elasticity. These fences are most suited for permanent fencing. They require a substantial amount of labor to install and maintain, but they are more economical than a comparable woven-wire fence and have the advantage of being able to withstand harsh winter weather conditions.

Water is a critical nutrient for cattle, and fenced-in livestock are more likely to access and consume it than free-roaming ones. A water source should be located within 900 feet of each paddock to avoid trampling in the area and ensure that clean, fresh water is available at all times. Refer to Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication P2490, Cattle Water Requirements and Source Management, for more information on supplying livestock with sufficient water.

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Telehandler Training Courses

A CPCS telehandler training course is a comprehensive program that is designed for employees working with telehandlers in construction, demolition, and utility applications. These courses cover the basics of the operation and safety of a Telehandler. They also cover proper operating safety procedures. The course includes a written examination. The materials and skills taught are reinforced by workbooks and supplementary handouts. These courses are ideal for those in construction, utilities, and other industries where a Telehandler is a common tool.

How to Do Telehandler Training Courses

Most telehandler training courses start with classroom theory training. To pass this course, trainees must understand and memorize 72 questions that will appear on a verbal theory test. These tests are conducted one-on-one with a CPCS qualified trainer and are recorded for monitoring purposes. The test contains questions on basic health and safety, category specific, and operating procedures. For example, the CPCS telehandler training course will teach you how to use an excavator, a telehandler, and other machinery.

A telehandler training course includes both practical and theoretical tests to ensure that you have the necessary knowledge and skills. The CPCS technical test requires that you pass the test with an average score of 80%. You can also choose to use a mobile app to test yourself and see if you’ve learned everything you need to know. If you’ve passed the course, you’re ready to take the next step.

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